7 Days in Peru
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By Hilly Collective
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Its been a really busy summer full of travel & photography. One of the trips was to Peru with Jerry Huson of 7-Day Hero & Iggy Igette from Tongue Out, both are global non profit that helps people in need. The Peru trip had a specific purpose of suppling medical attention to the remote Amazon villages. There was a team of 29 people included in the team. The 29 were Dr's, Nurses, and people young and old with a heart to show up. Over the 7 days our team was able to give attention to over 700 patients, deliver 4 wheelchairs to the homes. We were able to pray, love and connect despite the language barriers. The greatest service anyone can give is a little love and time. We are so preoccupied with the rat race we get derailed from what's really important in life.

These sorts of trips open your eyes to the hurting people & gets the attention off of self and onto others. This may just be what real happiness is. This trip taught me the importance of time & relationships. People around you are there for a reason, give them your time and share some love today...it might just bring the smile that someone needs! 

If you would like to know more about future trips or to get involved with either outreach.



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